Krishnapur Jagannatha Bari Seva Trust

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Lord Jagannath, a prominent deity in Hinduism, is revered by millions of devotees across the globe. The name ‘Jagannath’ itself is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Jagat’ (world) and ‘Nath’ (lord), translating to ‘Lord of the Universe.’


Lord Jagannath, a prominent deity in Hinduism, is revered by millions of devotees across the globe. The name ‘Jagannath’ itself is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Jagat’ (world) and ‘Nath’ (lord), translating to ‘Lord of the Universe.’

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Self revealing Lord Jagannath at Rabindrapally, Kestopur, Kolkata.

No Miracle, no vision yet Lord Jagannath have gradually found a place for himself at Chandra Family Home at Rabindrapally, Kestopur, Kolkata, where a magnificent Temple dedicated Lord Jagannath, Subhadra and Balabhadra is coming up soon.

It was in the year 2015 devout and pious couple Shri Kaushik Chandra and Smt Sarasi Chandra went on a pilgrimage to Lord Jagannath’s abode Puri with a wish to have the rice ceremony of their younger son at the place where Shri Chaitanya’s also has his divine play.

It is here, his sister gifted him with an image of Jagannath and on their return the couple decided to install that Jagannath at their place of worship. Fortunately on the day of Ulto Rath, Lord Jagannath was installed with rituals at the family temple of Chandras.

2015-16 was a transformative year for the entire Chandra Family when Lord Jagannath formally took centre stage of the family as the presiding diety, transforming them from within, as Shri Kaushik Chandra reveals he is a foodie, with a craze for non vegetarian food, but he noticed the craze started minimizing transforming him from a non vegetarian to a pure vegetarian with dedicated devotion.

In the year 2017 when Nabakalebara was happening in Puri. The Chandra family also decided to have the Lord Jagannath of their home with new embodiment. Nabakalebara is a unique feature of ShriJagannath Temple tradition which occurs once in 12 years, ‘Nabakalebara’ means new embodiment, it involves the total replacement of the five worshipped wooden idols.

Surprisingly, the transformation happened in Puri itself and the neem wood image of Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra reached Chandra’s home a day before the Rath Yatra on 2017.

Chandra family has started feeling having a dedicated Temple for Lord Jagannath at the adjacent land and they started trying for it. In the year 2020, the land owner agreed to give the land to have magnificent temple, work for which has started with the formation of Jagannath Bari Seva Trust in the year 2022, which is soon going to see the light of the day and become the light house for every seeker and devotees without any discrimination.

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